Repeatedly asked areas in Syllabus
Special Contracts (Law of Contract – II)
Part 1 - Indemnity
✔ Indemnity - Definition
✔ Guarantee - Continuing guarantee
✔ Nature and duration of liability
Part 2 - Agency
✔ Kinds of agency
✔ Creation of agency
✔ Rights, duties and liabilities of agents
✔ Liability of principal for act of agents
✔ Contract of pledge, Rights and liabilities of pawner and pawne.
Part 3 - Partnership
✔ types of partnership
✔ mutual relationship of partners
✔ authority of partners
✔ rights and liabilities of partners
✔ partnership property
✔ dissolution of partnership
✔ registration of partnership.
Part 4 - Sale of goods
✔ Sale of goods – concept of sale
✔ subject matter of sale
✔ conditions and warranties
✔ passing of property and risk (2015QP 12.5 Marks - Rules relating to passing of the property in a contract for the sales goods), (2016QP 12.5 Marks - Risk, Rules as to passing of risk), (2019QP 12.5 Marks - Explain 'risk passes with property')
✔ delivery of goods
✔ remedies for breach.
Part 5 - Negotiable instruments
✔ Negotiable instruments - (2019QP 12.5 Marks - Material alteration of Negotiable instruments and its effects)✔ essential requirements
✔ promissory notes,
✔ holder in due course. (2018QP 12.5 Marks - features of negotiable instrument act, holder and holder in due course)