QP 5th Sem - Operations Management 2015


Time : Three Hours                                                                                           Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Write short notes on any six of the following.
Each question carries 5 marks.

1.  Explain the operations system in organization.
2.  Write short notes on job design.
3.  Explain the concept of work sampling.
4.  Discuss the input components of MRP-1
5.  Write a short  note on hybrid layout. 
6.  Discuss the importance of control charts.
7.  Write short note on preventive maintenance.
8.  Discuss the objectives of CRP.

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Part B
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 10 marks

 1.   Discuss the steps in evaluation of location alternatives to setup a manufacturing   unit.
 2.   Discuss on any three type of plant layout. 
 3.   Explain how quality control different from TQM in manufacturing sector.
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                                                                         Part C
                                                       Answer any two questions.
                                                  Each question carries 12.5 marks.

 1.  What are the location factors generally considered by the retail chains to proliferate their                 operations?
 2.  Discuss on statement "MRP is with out MPS"
 3.  Explain how SQC is useful in solving problems in manufacturing units.

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