C.M.4 Business Environment
- Nature and types of business environment-internal, external, micro and macro environment- Environmental scanning and Monitoring-State and Economic Activities-Economic systems
- Economic Environment of business in India - Nature of the Indian Economy - Characteristics of the Indian Economy—Importance of Agriculture in the Indian Economy—Issues in agricultural production and productivity—Agricultural marketing and credit—Role of co-operatives.
- Planning and Economic Development—India’s Five Year Plans—Problems of Unemployment–Balanced Regional Development--Poverty eradication and employment generation programmes .
- Industrial Policy of the Government --Regulation & Licensing—Policy towards MSMEs--Role of Public Sector
- Role and functions of Commercial Banks —Development Banks and their functions-Changing role of Development Banks – Role of RBI and monetary management.
Text Books:
- Cherunilam Francis, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Dutt and Sundharam, Indian Economy, S.Chand & Co Ltd., New Delhi.
- Adhikary.M, Economic Envrionment of Business, Sultan Chand & Sons,New Delhi.
- Sengupta N.K: Government and Business in India, Vikas publications, New Delhi
- Sivayya and Das, Indian Industrial Economy, S.Chand & Co Ltd, New Delhi.