C.L.2. General Principles of Contract (Law of Contract – I)
- Nature of contractual obligation - theories of contract – classification of contract - offer, acceptance and promise.
- Capacity of parties – disqualification by law- minority and mental incapacity – free consent - factors vitiating free consent - coercion - and undue influence - fraud.
- Lawful object- void transactions- misrepresentation, mistake- public policy-agreement in restraint of trade marriage and legal proceedings - uncertainties and wagering agreements.
- Consideration-definition-effect of contract without consideration-exceptions –intention to create legal obligations
- Discharge of contracts -performance of contracts - anticipatory breach - impossibility ofperformance - alterations and novation - accord and satisfaction - quasi contracts. Remedies for breach - damages for breach - specific performance - recession and cancellation - injunctions -declaratory remedies.
Suggested readings:
- Avatar Singh, Principles of Mercantile Law, Eastern Book Co., Lucknow.
- Avatar Singh, An Introduction to Contract Law.
- Pollock and Mulla, Indian Contract and Specific Relief Acts.
- A.G. Guests Anson's Law of Contract.
- Trietal, The Law of Contract.
- A.S. Burrows, Remedies for Tort and Breach of Contract.