- To enable the students to understand the micro and macroeconomic concepts relevant for business decisions
- To help the students to understand the application of economic principles in business management
Module I
- Introduction - Definition of Managerial economics - objectives - characteristics - uses - decision making and forward planning - basic economic tools in management economics.
Module II
- The concept of demand and elasticity of demand - Demand curve: Individual demand curve,Market demand curve, Movement along Vs shifts in the Demand curve,
- Elasticity of Demand: Price, Income and cross - Demand estimation and demand forecasting -concept of revenue: Average Revenue and Total Revenue – Marginal Revenue and Incremental Revenue.
Module III
- Production: Fixed and Variable inputs, Production function, Total, Average and Marginal Product, Law of variable proportions, Linear homogeneous production function - production isoquants, marginal rate of technical substitution – optimal combination of resources - return to scale - cost of production - social and private cost of production - difference between economic and accounting cost - long run and short run cost of production - Economics and diseconomies of scale.
Module IV
- Price and output decisions under different market structures: Price and output decisions under perfect competition, monopoly and monopolistic competition - pricing under oligopoly -kinked demand curve - price leadership - pricing, under collusion.
Module V
- A. Pricing policies and practices: factors governing prices - objectives of pricing policy - Role of cost in pricing - demand factor in pricing - consumer psychology and pricing - pricing methods: cost-plus or full-cost pricing - Target pricing – Marginal cost pricing - going rate pricing - follow up pricing - Barometric pricing - customary prices - Pricing of new products: Penetrating pricing - Price skimming.
- B. Macro Economics and Business decisions: Phases of Business cycle - Evil effects of cyclical fluctuations on business firms - Minimising effects of Business cycles. Economic Forecasting for business: Economic and Business forecasting - uses of economic forecasts - Methods of economic forecasting - selecting a forecast - evaluating forecasts.
Reference Books:
- R.L. Varshney and K.L. Maheswari,Managerial Economics
- D.N. Dwivedi, Managerial Economics
- Dr. S. Sankaran, Managerial Economics
- D M Mithani : Business Economics
- Seth M L Text Book of Economic Theory
- K K Dewett : Economnic Theory
- Petersen & Lewis: Managerial Economics
- Mote V L peul. S & Gupta G S: Managerial Economics
- H. Craig Petersen & W. Cris lewis: Managerial Economics
- Dr. P.N. Reddy and H.R. Appanaiah : Essentials of Business Economics
- Barry Keating and J. Holton Wilson: Managerial Economics